SWAN 2022, Bunbury Regional Art Gallery, WA
acrylic on assembled plywood panels 201 X120 CM [privare collection]
DISPLACE, Bunbury regional Art Galleries , Western Australia
DISPLACE, Bunbury regional Art Galleries , Western Australia
-B - A - R -, Vancouver Arts Centre, Albany WA
-B - A - R -, Vancouver Arts Centre, Albany WA
B H P M Art Collective WA
B H P M Art Collective WA
South West Artists Now, Bunbury Regional Art Galleries, Western Australia
South West Artists Now, Bunbury Regional Art Galleries, Western Australia
SHELVED, Sculpture at Bathers, Fremantle WA
SHELVED, Sculpture at Bathers, Fremantle WA
acrylic on assembled acrylic plywood panels 185 X190 CM. Collection of Hilton Gardens Hotel, Albany WA
New Paintings Art Collective WA
New Paintings Art Collective WA
CITY OF ALBANY Art Prize, Albany WA
CITY OF ALBANY Art Prize, Albany WA
South West Artists Now, Bunbury Regional Art Galleries, Bunbury WA
South West Artists Now, Bunbury Regional Art Galleries, Bunbury WA
Counterforce, Linton &Kay Galleries, Perth WA
Counterforce, Linton &Kay Galleries, Perth WA
par - it - lion free range Gallery, Perth WA
par - it - lion free range Gallery, Perth WA
P A R T I T I O N , Bunbury Regional Art Galleries, Western Australia
P A R T I T I O N , Bunbury Regional Art Galleries, Western Australia
Recent Paintings 2011 - 2012, Gallery East Perth WA
Recent Paintings 2011 - 2012, Gallery East Perth WA
Indian Plonk, Off the Kerb Gallery, Melbourne, Victoria
Indian Plonk, Off the Kerb Gallery, Melbourne, Victoria
T A N G E N T, Gallery East Perth WA
T A N G E N T, Gallery East Perth WA
2019 DISPLACE Bunbury Biennale, BRAG, Western Australia
2018 -B - A - R - Vancouver Arts Centre, Albany Western Australia
2018 B H P M [with Bevan Honey] Art Collective WA Perth Western Australia
2018 South West Artists Now, Bunbury Regional Art Galleries, Western Australia
2017 SCULPTURE AT BATHERS, Kidogo Arthouse, Fremantle, Western Australia
2016 New Paintings [with Andre Lipscombe], Art Collective WA Subiaco, Western Australia
2016 City Of Albany Art Prize, Town Hall, Albany, Western Australia
2016 South West Artists Now, Bunbury Regional Art Galleries, Western Australia
2015 Counterforce [with Miik Green & Merrick Belyea] Linton & Kay Galleries, Perth Western Australia
2014 par - it - tion, free range GALLERY, Perth, Western Australia
2013 P A R T I T I O N, Bunbury Regional Art Galleries, Western Australia
2012 Recent Paintings 2011 - 2012, Gallery East, Perth, Western Australia
2012 Indian Plonk, Off the Kerb Gallery, Melbourne, Victoria.
2010 T A N G E N T, Gallery East, Perth, Western Australia